Healthy Swaps for Condiments

When making health changes, it doesn't have to be an all or nothing mentality. Repeat this with me...ONE SIMPLE CHANGE.

Make one little change at a time. One better choice that moves you more in the direction of where you want to go of looking good and feeling good!

Swapping out condiments can be one of those little changes you can do before your next BBQ or potluck.

Check out our favorite condiments swaps and why these small changes REALLY do make a difference.

#1. Swap regular ketchup for an organic or unsweetened version.

Why it matters? Conventional ketchup is often packed with tons of high fructose corn syrup, added sugars (like a whole lot), and dyes and preservatives. Primal Kitchen is our favorite since it is unsweetened, but if you or your kids aren't ready for that, then even making the switch from non-organic to organic Heinz ketchup cuts out all the HFCS and pesticide laden produce.

#2. Swap regular mayo for an unsweetened mayo made with avocado oil.

Why it matters? Conventional mayo adds unnecessary sugar our bodies don't need plus uses soybean oil as the base which causes inflammation. Primal Kitchen makes a great mayo as do a few other companies like Chosen Foods or Thrive Market.

#3. Swap regular mustard for a mustard without artificial dyes.

Why it matters? Conventional mustard is often made with artificial dyes to make a bright poppy color. Artificial dyes have also been linked to hyperactivity, behavioral changes like irritability, hives, asthma, and tumor growth. No thanks! You can feel safe from artificial food dyes when eating food labeled as USDA certified organic.

#4 Swap regular BBQ sauce for an organic or unsweetened version.

Why it matters? Very similar to ketchup, conventional BBQ sauce can be a total sugar bomb packing in 16 grams of added sugar per 2 tablespoons. Wouldn't you rather have a little dessert than eat your sugar in your bbq sauce? Primal Kitchen makes BBQ sauces that are slightly sweetened with either date paste or honey which our bodies can digest easier and doesn't blow our daily sugar intake through the roof.

#5. Swap regular sour cream for an organic Greek yogurt or a non-dairy Greek yogurt.

Why it matters? Certified organic means you are going to get higher-quality food products in general. Plus, we love how Greek Yogurt provides a great amount of protein without the giant serving of fat that often comes with conventional sour cream.

If you feel inspired by this post and want to go grab all these brands, great! Or maybe you just want to make a more health-conscious choice and buy organic next you run out of ketchup, great! It's all about small, simple changes overtime.